Solar Mamas Engineer Energy Security

Source: Published: January 17, 2015 Down-to-Earth Village women receive training for testing and wiring solar devices in Tilonia, Rajasthan Hema Yadav Ranjan K Panda, Hema Yadav To buck migration, the Barefoot College has turned to mothers and...

World’s Largest Solar Power Plant Is Now in Operation

Source: Published: December 2, 2014 by Jake Richardson  Originally published on Solar Love. Did you hear about the largest solar power plant in the world and how it is now producing electricity? Did it make the nightly broadcast news? Probably not,...

Solarella: The Solar Umbrella

Source: Getsolarella Published: December 3, 2014 Solarella is a high-powered beach or garden umbrella equipped with solar modules so that you can charge your phone, tablet pc, or even camera all while relaxing, undisturbed in the sun! Pop those earplugs out and groove...

New ‘Solar Cloth’

Source: Published: November 14, 2014 A Solar Cloth array over a parking lot. CREDIT: SOLAR CLOTH COMPANY/SCREENSHOT A British start-up has developed a way for parking lots and structures with roofs that can’t take much weight to harness the power of...

A Kid With 10,000 Magnifying Glasses To Capture The Sun

Source: Published: January 24, 2014 Kyle Hill speaks with SolarReserve’s heliostat technician, William Allen. 2013 by Kyle Hill In one day, the sun bathes the earth in more energy than we have cumulatively produced in the history of...

Soccer Field Lights Powered by Kids’ Pounding Feet

Source: Published: October 8, 2014 © Pavegen Megan Treacy A new project helps give kids a safe place to play soccer in a Rio de Janeiro favela by using kinetic-energy harvesting tiles to produce electricity for keeping the lights on. Pavegen, a company...