Extending the Forest Estate

Source: pft.tas.gov.au Published: March 2, 2017 Agroforestry Program Trees grown on farmland provide a range of benefits and values to landowners and the community.  Well planned tree plantings can increase farm profits by improving crop and animal growth and...

Trees Can Help UK Farming Cut Emissions

Source: bbc.com Published: January 5, 2016 Increasing agricultural yields coupled with tree planting and wetland restoration could help the UK farming industry to cut its carbon footprint  By Mark Kinver Increasing yields produced in UK fields and using the spare...

Sustainable Pasture Management in Kyrgyzstan

Source: pedalingpictures.com Published: December 24, 2015 Click here to watch “Sustainable Pasture Management in Kyrgyzstan”: https://vimeo.com/143698789 During the months of June and July, we packed our backpacks, grabbed our sleeping bags, and headed for the...

Sustainable Agriculture Gains Momentum in the Puyallup Valley

Source: pccfarmlandtrust.org Published: January 28, 2016 Between 1997 and 2007, Pierce County lost nearly 23 percent of its farmland, much of it in the abundant Puyallup Valley. At this time, one quarter of the county’s farmland was slated for development. With the...

Good Grazing Makes for Healthy Pastures, People, and Planet

Source: chelseagreen.com Published: March 1, 2017 In her new book, The Art of Science and Grazing, nationally known grazing consultant Sarah Flack identifies the key principles and practices necessary for farmers to design, and manage, successful grazing systems. This...

Farmers and Ranchers Making a Difference

Source: Published: March 1, 2017 Farmers and ranchers across the country are working to fight climate change and clean our air, protect drinking water, provide habitat for wildlife and keep our agricultural lands sustainable for the future. Safe...

A Boon for Soil, and for the Environment

Source: nytimes.com Published: May 17, 2016 At a farm in Peru, charcoal from bamboo burned in special ovens is used to fertilize the soil. Carbon farming is seen as a way of replenishing depleted farmland and helping reduce damage to the environment. Credit/Enrique...

22 Organizations Working to Restore Soils in 2016

Source: foodtank.com Published: March 1, 2016 Stephanie Van Dyke According to the recent United Nations report, Status of the World’s Soil Resources, the world can ameliorate soil degradation if more sustainable practices are promptly implemented. The U.N. Food and...

Scaling Up Conservation Agriculture in Zambia

Source: ec.europa.eu Published: February 22, 2017 “When we harvest maize, we leave the stalks in the field. Parts of these stalks are eaten by the livestock. The fibrous part which is not eaten by the animals adds nutrients to the soil but, at the same time, when it...