Smog-Eating Streets Created by Dutch Scientists

Source: Published: July 10, 2013 Pavement that acts as an air purifier could help cities consume their own pollution. Photo: Gwoeii/Shutterstock Melissa Breyer Imagine a city that could devour the very pollution that it creates. Such was the scenario...

The Mirror Project

Source: Published: July 18, 2013 Residents of Rjukan, an industrial town in Norway, have grown accustomed to dark and gloomy winters. Shielded by the Gaustatoppen Mountains, the valley town is cut off from direct sunlight during five to six months...

Jane Fonda’s Newest Project: A House Powered by Exercise

Source: Published: May 2, 2013 by Sarah Firshein What’s Jane Fonda up to these days, other than spending millions on real estate in Beverly Hills? The empress of exercise, along with Spanish design firm Elli Studio, may have put forth the craziest...

Brazil’s Inhotim Is A Sustainable Art Park

Source: Published: April 26, 2013 Bonnie Alter Inhotim is part sustainable botanical garden, part artistic wonder. Located in Brazil, its 240 sprawling acres sit on what was once a mining site. Today it’s a carefully tended landscape that includes lush...

The Return of Sailing Ships

Source: Published: September 4, 2012 Written by Philip Proefrock With global production and distribution of goods a reality of 21st Century life, cargo ships are ubiquitous.  They bring goods to consumers all over the world, and more and more ships are...

Should We Change the Colour of Our Streets?

Source: Published: September 13, 2012 Feature Story Julie Chao (510) 486-6491 Berkeley Lab researchers showcase cool pavement technology to combat urban heat islands. Sharon Chen and Ana Paula Werle of the Berkeley Lab Heat Island Group use a...