Scientists Discover Methods of Harvesting Electricity from Plants

Source: Published: May 9, 2013 Images via University of Georgia and Wikicommons user Pinpin. by Inhabitat Staff When it comes to capturing solar energy, plants are first in their class. Able to function at nearly 100 percent quantum efficiency, they can...

Jane Fonda’s Newest Project: A House Powered by Exercise

Source: Published: May 2, 2013 by Sarah Firshein What’s Jane Fonda up to these days, other than spending millions on real estate in Beverly Hills? The empress of exercise, along with Spanish design firm Elli Studio, may have put forth the craziest...

Students Build Bike-Powered Charging Station from Scratch

Source: Published: December 13, 2012 © Christina Woodward/NAU Megan Treacy mtreacy As we become more and more dependent on our gadgets, we also are continually seeking out better ways to power them, from solar-powered chargers to human-powered...

Four African Teens Create Pee-Powered Energy Generator

Source: Published: November 9, 2012  By Adeola Adeyemo Photo/News Credit: Maker Faire Africa Yes that’s right! Using a resource that everyone has, the girls developed a generator that  produces six hour of power for one liter of urine. The...

Piezoelectric Systems for Green Environment

Source: Published: November 9, 2012 Electricity, as we all know, isn’t easy to generate and even the power that reaches our wall sockets isn’t always green. In an era where everybody seems to be getting interested about renewable energy, there is no...

Are ‘Smart Bulbs’ the Next Bright Idea in Energy Efficiency?

Source: Published: November 8, 2012 The Spark Socket is among a wave of new “smart bulb” products that are about to hit the market. The devices promise to give customers better control over their lighting, as well as more information about their...

‘Kite Surfing’ Helps Generate Wind Power

Source: Published: November 7, 2012 Compared to wind turbines, utilizing ‘kite surfing’ to harness wind power would yield more energy for much less money and could generate energy almost anywhere.   This article no longer exists at the Source link above. It...

Bike Power – Communities Gather Around Generators in New York

Source: Published: November 1, 2012 People gather around a generator to charge their phones on Wednesday afternoon, just south of the intersection of Avenue C and East 10th Street, part of a large area of southern Manhattan that remained without...

What If Your Footsteps Could Power Your City Sustainably?

Source: Published: October 19, 2012 Author Urban Times @urbantimes Pavegen Tiles in a Hallway A while back our Sci & Tech Correspondent Nathan Liu wrote a piece entitled “iPavement Connects People with...

The Return of Sailing Ships

Source: Published: September 4, 2012 Written by Philip Proefrock With global production and distribution of goods a reality of 21st Century life, cargo ships are ubiquitous.  They bring goods to consumers all over the world, and more and more ships are...