How a Forest with More Mammals Stores More Carbon

Source: Published: October 18, 2017 by Brandon Keim To the many moral and practical reasons for protecting the creatures with whom we share this blue marble, add one more. They might help Earth safely store more carbon. Writing in the...

Are Hedges Better at Fighting Urban Air Pollution Than Trees?

Source: Published: May 24, 2017 The British countryside is famed for its hedgerows. According to scientists, cities need more dense lines of shrubs in order to effectively combat automobile-borne air pollution. (Photo: Jenny Brown/flickr) By Matt Hickman Make...

Are Some Forests Better Than Others at Mitigating Climate Change?

Source: Published: February 26, 2016 Photo credit: Travel Photos HD. By Orion McCarthy  LIFE ON EARTH wouldn’t be the same without forests. An estimated 1.6 billion people around the world depend on forests for their livelihood. Forests provide food...

The TreeSisters Million Trees Campaign

Source: Published: April 5, 2017 Restoring Our Forests – One Woman At a Time Women as a Force of Nature, On Behalf of Nature BECOME A TREESISTER We are calling for women to become treesisters by contributing monthly to tropical reforestation. We are...

A ‘Green Revolution’ That May Save Filipino Coconut Farmers

Source: Published: January 26, 2016 Pia Ranada GUINAYANGAN, Philippines – Rizal and Renida Marjes’ backyard reminded me of a wild version of the vegetable and fruit stalls in my neighborhood grocery. Like those well-lit stalls, produce was presented...

The Unsung Heroes of Climate Change

Source: Published: February 3, 2016 By Jheni Osman Rainforests are the poster child for conservation. They’re packed with charismatic wildlife and are essential for the health of the planet. Why wouldn’t you want to try to save them? But they are not...

Extending the Forest Estate

Source: Published: March 2, 2017 Agroforestry Program Trees grown on farmland provide a range of benefits and values to landowners and the community.  Well planned tree plantings can increase farm profits by improving crop and animal growth and...

Our Forests Aren’t Fuel

Source: Published: February 2, 2017 A clearcut site located near the Meherrin River in North Carolina which devastated an area of mature wetland forest, as well as nearly 100 acres of surrounding natural forest. Investigators tracked whole trees from the cut...