Dutch Solar Road Makes Enough Energy to Power Household

Source: aljazeera.com Published: May 10, 2015 by Tarek Bazley Engineers in the Netherlands say a novel solar road surface that generates electricity and can be driven over has proved more successful than expected. Last year they built a 70-metre test track along a...

The Bike Washing Machine

Source: totalwomanscycling.com Published: June 18, 2014 Bike Washing Machine combines a stationary bike and washing machine so you can exercise at the same time as you wash your clothes. But hang on a second, can’t we do that already? I often flick on the washing...

UWE Students Test ‘Wee-Lectricity’ Power

Source: bbc.com Published: March 5, 2015 Prototype urinals have been set up “conveniently” close to the student union bar UWE A “wee-lectricity” experiment which could pave the way for urine to provide power in remote areas has been launched. The project...

AirCarbon wins Popular Science Innovation of the Year

Source: matteroftrust.org Published: May 1, 2015 Every day, plants and microorganisms use greenhouse gases to make useful materials, from carbon dioxide-capturing redwood trees and coral reefs to deep sea methane-capturing hydrothermal vent ecosystems. Inspired by...

EPA Honors Disneyland For Reducing Waste

Source: ocregister.com Published: April 28, 2015 By Joseph Pimentel Walking around Disneyland’s Circle D Corral ranch, Jared Blumenfeld was in awe. A regional administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency, Blumenfeld went inside the behind-the-scenes barn...

Adidas Wants to Turn Ocean Plastic into Sportswear

Source: ecowatch.com Published: April 21, 2015 Adidas is trying to decrease the staggering amount of plastic waste that ends up in the world’s oceans every year. Photo Credit: Parley for the Oceans Lorraine Chow Would you buy shoes or clothes made from trash that is...