New York City’s Poop Train

Source: Published: July 28, 2015 Wikimedia Commons BY Emily Becker Most of us don’t give a second thought to what happens after we flush, but our daily leftovers have to end up somewhere. In New York City, where residents create approximately 1200 tons...

Earth Gets A Surge of New Ocean Sanctuaries

Source: Published: October 8, 2015 A green sea turtle swims under Midway Island Pier at Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. (Photo: Greg McFall/NOAA) Russell McLendon Earth is on the brink of a sea change. Its oceans are still mostly wild, without the...

PLATFORM – Excess Access (now The Hum Sum) 1998 – 2018

PLATFORM – Excess Access (now The Hum Sum) 1998 – 2018 Excess Access has morphed into our platform. HELP US TEST OUR NEW BETA DONATION SYSTEM!  IT IS UP AND RUNNING MATCHING GIFTS AND WISHES! NEW Free Exchange on our TO DONATE...

Apple Announces Wave Power R&D Investment in Ireland

Source: Published: November 11, 2015 © OPT Michael Graham Richard In the past few years – ever since Tim Cook became CEO, really – Apple has been cleaning up its act on the environmental front. They’ve eliminated many toxins from their...

EVENT – Zero Waste Flash Mob – 2015

  We know that the world needs a healthier environment and every one of us is needed to participate in the solution. Zero Waste Flash Mobs are our way of inspiring people to work together in creating that environment. Zero Waste Flash Mobs pump positive, human...

SUMMER CAMP – LEAF Academy – 2015

Check out our new LEAF Internship Programs There are internship opportunities here: Or volunteer opportunities here: Volunteer   Archived Info on previous LEAF Summer Camps is below. The LEAF Academy program is for...