How America’s Dirtiest City in 1969 Became One of The Greenest

Source: Published: August 19, 2016 Image via Wikipedia Written by Greg Beach One of America’s dirtiest cities has completely altered its legacy as one of the country’s greenest. Over the last few decades, Chattanooga, Tennessee has been transformed from...

Solar + Storage for Resilience – 2014 – 2016

Solar + Storage for Resilience – 2014 – 2016 There are over 6,000 photovoltaic systems installed on homes and businesses throughout San Francisco that will, for safety reasons, stop generating power when the grid is lost during an earthquake or storm...

San Francisco – Urban Carbon Farming Project

San Francisco – Urban Carbon Farming Project Matter of Trust was serving as the fiscal sponsor for this San Francisco Urban Carbon Farming Project for 3 years which aims to take state-of-the-art science and protocol for measuring the carbon sequestration effects...

Revolutionary Tidal Fence Is Set To Trap The Sea’s Power

Source: Published: August 11, 2015 Illustration showing how Kepler Energy’s turbine rotor blades will look installed in a tidal fence configuration. Photograph: Kepler Energy Alex Kirby for Climate News Network, part of the Guardian Environment Network...

California Freeways Will Soon Generate Electricity

Source: Published: August 1, 2016 Credit: alohavictoria/Flickr Dennis Romero Freeways inspire road rage, serve as giant trash receptacles and take us home, often very slowly. And now, a new statewide initiative means they could soon be generating some...