Published: October 12, 2017 Credit: Pixabay; Ben_Kerckx Cody Boteler Dive Brief: The consulting firm Arup released a report on Oct. 11 detailing how organic waste could be used in construction projects to further “close the loop”...
Source: Published: October 10, 2017 One of the world’s most under-exploited waste products – the feathers from poultry farms – is finding a clever new use inside buildings. By Stephen Dowling Where there are people, there are chickens. Pretty much every...
Source: Published: October 9, 2017 Industrial forecasts predict an insatiable need for battery farms to store renewable energy like solar and wind. Lithium ion batteries may remain tops for sheer performance, but when cost-per-storage is factored in,...
Source: Published: October 3, 2017 [Photo: Tenure Facility] A new center is using mapping and legal services to help establish that indigenous people are rightful owners of rainforests around the world, in turn protecting those forests so that...
Source: Published: September 23, 2017 Make A Change World By Gary Bencheghib and Sam Bencheghib On August 14, we set out to kayak down the world’s most polluted river, the Citarum River located in Indonesia, to document and raise awareness about the...
Source: Published: September 22, 2017 By: Lyna Vuong We love to brainstorm ways to cook with our food scraps, and this got us thinking about large-scale food producers and retailers, and how companies are addressing the issue of food waste. As...
Source: Published: May 19, 2017 According to the World Bank, indoor pollution from coal, dung and wood-burning stoves as well as fire pits kills nearly two million people each year – including half of all children under the age of five who die from...
Source: Published: September 14, 2017 Source: Ant Studio By Aimee Lutkin An architecture firm called Ant Studio has partnered with company DEKI Electronics to create a cooling system that is electricity free. The installation is built into DEKI’s...
Source: Published: September 14, 2017 Innovative cooling installation in New Delhi Written by Lucy Wang New Delhi-based Ant Studio made a zero-electricity air conditioner to combat the brutally hot summers in India’s capital. Built for a DEKI...