Arup Proposes Using Food Waste as Building Materials

Source: Published: October 17, 2017 The company argues that organic waste would ameliorate rising levels of waste and shortfalls of raw material, as well as providing industry with cheap, low carbon materials. — Global Construction Review By Mackenzie...

How to Start a Regenerative Agriculture Movement in Your Community

Source: Published: October 13, 2017 Regeneration International Organic Consumers Association By Regeneration International The most important, although as of yet little known, new paradigm shift and set of practices in the world today is regenerative...

Construction Prototype for Ultra-Thin Concrete Roof

Source: Published: October 12, 2017 Researchers from ETH Zurich have built a prototype of an ultra-thin, curved concrete roof using innovative digital design and fabrication methods. The tested novel formwork system will be used in an actual construction...