The World’s First Mall for Recycled Goods

Source: Published: March 22, 2017 By Jeremy Williams Last week I wrote about the Edinburgh Remakery, and how they are trying to foster a culture of repair. It’s one of the most shared posts I’ve ever written, and there’s clearly a real interest...

Can Tropical Forests Recover After Major Disturbance?

Source: Published: August 23, 2016 Géraldine Derroire Can tropical dry forests recover their species richness and composition after major disturbance? Secondary forests recovering after previous deforestation account for a substantial proportion of...

Agarwood, the Wonder Crop

Source: Published: July 26, 2010 Agarwood, a high value commercial crop native to India, enjoys a good demand in both national and international markets. Planters in Malnad have taken to agar cultivation in a big way, writes Chethana Dinesh M L Murthy...

A ‘Green Revolution’ That May Save Filipino Coconut Farmers

Source: Published: January 26, 2016 Pia Ranada GUINAYANGAN, Philippines – Rizal and Renida Marjes’ backyard reminded me of a wild version of the vegetable and fruit stalls in my neighborhood grocery. Like those well-lit stalls, produce was presented...

The Unsung Heroes of Climate Change

Source: Published: February 3, 2016 By Jheni Osman Rainforests are the poster child for conservation. They’re packed with charismatic wildlife and are essential for the health of the planet. Why wouldn’t you want to try to save them? But they are not...

30 Indigenous Crops for Food Security

Source: Published: April 12, 2016 According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), just twelve crops provide 75 percent of the world’s food. Three of these crops, rice, maize, and wheat contribute to nearly 60 percent of the protein and...

5 Surprisingly Easy Edible Gardening Projects for Spring

Source: Published: March 30, 2017 by Jill Fehrenbacher Spring has officially sprung and it’s a great time to renew your connection to this beautiful planet we call home. One great way to deepen your connection with the earth is to get outdoors, digging...

Restore the Mississippi River Delta

Source: Published: March 29, 2017 Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan, the state’s blueprint for coastal restoration and protection, includes a variety of projects to rebuild and sustain land across Louisiana’s coast to protect wildlife, people...