5 Surprising Products Made from Hemp

Source: inhabitat.com Published: April 6, 2017 by Maria Novozhilova Hemp is a sustainable supermaterial with a wide range of applications that go far beyond hacky sacks and beaded bracelets. An experimental project called Fabric-Action explores exciting new uses for...

Treating Wastewater Wastes Energy, But It Doesn’t Have To

Source: greenbiz.com Published: April 3, 2017 As of 2013, water treatment plants accounted for almost 1 percent of all the electricity used in the United States. Shutterstock By Erica Gies Wastewater treatment plants are energy hogs. A 2013 study by the Electric Power...

The TreeSisters Million Trees Campaign

Source: treesisters.org Published: April 5, 2017 Restoring Our Forests – One Woman At a Time Women as a Force of Nature, On Behalf of Nature BECOME A TREESISTER We are calling for women to become treesisters by contributing monthly to tropical reforestation. We are...

Secondary Tropical Forests Sequester Large Amounts of Carbon

Source: wur.nl Published: February 3, 2016 Regrowing secondary tropical forests rapidly sequester carbon. An international team of forest researchers led by researchers from Wageningen University measured an eleven times higher carbon uptake compared with old-growth...

Desalination Breakthrough Turns Seawater into Drinking Water

Source: ecowatch.com Published: April 5, 2017 Chris McDermott Turning seawater into drinking water just became more feasible. Scientists at the University of Manchester in the UK have developed graphene oxide membranes with holes small enough to filter out salt. The...

6,000-Year-Old Baobab Tree in Senegal

Source: the-fringe.com Published: April 3, 2017 Carbon dating has found living baobab trees that are over 6,000 years old, which is older than the Great Pyramid and Sphinx. Want some more perspective? When some of the baobabs in Senegal were just reaching...