Greening Industry, Saving Water in North Africa

Source: Published: February 17, 2016 Igor Volodin introduces a programme demonstrating the benefits of adopting best available techniques, cleaner production technology, and appropriate environmental management and accounting practices Green...

Water for Agriculture: Producing More with Less

Source: Published: June 9, 2016 By Anne Perrin It is common knowledge that a 60% increase in food production will be necessary to feed the world in 2050, and water is essential for agricultural production if it is going to meet rising food needs. In the...

Using Paper Saves Trees – a South African Perspective

Source: Published: June 7, 2017 We can all agree that “digital is not going away” – it is very much a part of our world. I’m using it to publish this post. But even in this multimedia, multiplatform world, paper is not going away either. And that’s...

Recycled Ocean Plastic Could Become the Building Block of the Future

Source: Published: August 1, 2016 By Barbara Eldredge More than 300 million tons of plastic trash is generated every year, but less than 8 percent of that waste is recycled. In fact, as much as 12 million tons ends up in the ocean. A new U.S.-based startup,...

How New Generation Rotary Evaporators Work

Source: Published: July 16, 2016 Problem: Rotary evaporators (“rotavaps”) have for decades been staples in labs and industries performing chemistry, including labs in the chemical, environmental, materials, life science, and forensics industries. Key...

2016 Innovative Refrigerant Systems

Source: Published: June 7, 2017 The ENERGY STAR® Emerging Technology Award (ETA) is given to innovative technologies that meet rigorous performance criteria to reduce energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The U.S. Environmental Protection...

5 Ways We Can Decrease Our Paper Consumption and Save Our Planet

Source: Published: April 20, 2016 Although we are supposedly living more digital lives, paper consumption globally has been increasing. Here are five ways we use less paper in our work lives. Posted by Michele Marius In today’s society, many of us pride...

Google’s London HQ Boasts A Rooftop Garden for The Ages

Source: Published: June 2, 2017 Plans for Google’s new London headquarters include a ridiculously lush rooftop garden, drawing comparisons to London’s failed Garden Bridge project. (Rendering: Google) By Matt Hickman Remember that enchanting,...