This Plant-Based Water Filter Works Like A Tiny Amazon Rainforest

Source: Published: July 12, 2017 by Lacy Cooke We take water for granted far too often. Whole civilizations have fallen as a result of over-exploiting water sources, according to Royal College of Art (RCA) graduate student Pratik Ghosh, so it’s...

The Farm That Grows Climate Solutions

Source: Published: March 26, 2016 Shutterstock By Eric Toensmeier The following originally appeared on Ensia, and is adapted from “The Carbon Farming Solution: A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate...

If You Fix This, You Fix a Big Piece of the Climate Puzzle

Source: Published: July 13, 2017 By LISA FRIEDMAN Curbing 87 percent of the climate change pollutants found in air-conditioners by 2050 could eliminate 89.7 gigatons of emissions. Source: “Drawdown,” edited by Paul Hawken Fixing air-conditioning is, let’s...

7 Plants That Could Save The World

Source:  Published: August 7, 2016 Plants feed us, clothe us, shelter us, heal us, and unendingly inspire us with their everyday miracles. But, in many ways, despite the technological advances of society, we are still at the tip of the iceberg in...

6 States Tapping into the Benefits of Carbon Farming

Source: Published: July 12, 2017 Cally McDougall, Studio Hill Center for Food Safety’s Soil Solutions By Diana Donlon A handful of states around the country have begun to recognize the importance of carbon farming as an expedient tool to...

With Materials Scarce, Cuban Designers Master Recycling Chic

Source: Published: July 12, 2017 Sarah Marsh Olaff Alejo’s salt lamps are eerily beautiful and designed to purify the air. Yet the Cuban designer must rummage through trash bins and scour the sidewalks of Havana for scraps of wood and obsolete electrical...

The Tide Rises for Open Ocean Farming

Source: Published: February 26, 2016 With population growth driving global demand for fish and an increasingly limited number of new coastal aquaculture sites available, the emerging industry of open ocean aquaculture, or mariculture, is...