Matter of Trust is the fiscal agent for Youth Media Lab (YML), an organization dedicated to providing media training to educators, youth service providers, youth and their parents. YML conducts after-school television and digital video production classes for Oakland...
This 15-minute mini-documentary shows how Matter of Trust and Excess Access began and how they work. Copies are available upon request; it has been displayed on YouTube since March 2009....
Matter of Trust was the fiscal agent for Women’s Global Green Action Network (WGGAN) until they were eligible to be under the umbrella of our friends at Earth Island Institute in 2006. WGGAN cultivates global partnerships of grassroots women environmental...
Hair mats used in oil spill cleanup, like all traditional cleanup materials are incinerated or landfilled by hazmat teams. In 2002, Matter of Trust and joined forces to do lab research on—if fungus could breakdown mats made from human hair soaked in...
A huge International Natural Fiber Recycling mobilization took place to help get hair booms to the Gulf Coast Spill. We had donated to warehouses spread along Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida that received hair, fur, fleece, and nylons from donors...
Algae Blooms Used for Biofuels Production Feasibility Study Since 2006, Matter of Trust has been the coordinator of this long-term research project studying the potential benefits of collecting suffocating algae blooms and using the lipids they contain for biofuels....
Phase 2 – Thermophilic Composting Matter of Trust is the fiscal sponsor for this bioremediation research program. Compostable waste is available all over the world. Composting can help to bioremediate wherever oil spill waste happened. After the Cosco Busan oil...
Matter of Trust has partnered with Music Team SF in San Francisco, California. This organization is also seeking gently used instruments of all kinds for the children in their after-school inner city youth orchestra program. Music Team SF is founded on the El Sistema...
Matter of Trust is the fiscal sponsor for Orchards International Projects, run by Doug Franco (James Franco’s Father). Doug coordinates with many logistics partners to get goods such as rice and clothing to children in Kabul. Thanks to Doug and his team, we also...