Sun Ovens

Source: Published: September 13, 2012 The Ultimate Solar Appliance The GLOBAL SUN OVEN® has been devised to meet up to 70% of the needs of a family of 6 to 8 people in a developing country, entirely with the power of the sun. Even though it is called an...

How Oil Spills Could Be Cleaned Up with Magnets

  Source:     Published: September 12, 2012               Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new technique for magnetically separating oil and water. Here, they...

The Future of Wind Power: 9 Cool Innovations

  Source:       Published: April 4, 2012                   TreeHugger/Screen capture                   Derek Markham derekmarkha    ...

Spinach Gives Solar Tech Some Muscle

Source: Published: September 6, 2012 Silicon wafers doped in positively charged atoms and coated in a protein extracted from spinach give a boost to so-called biohybrid solar cell technology. Silicon wafers coated in a protein extracted from spinach...

Water-Filled Glass Orbs Might Be the Next Step in Solar Power

Source: Published: September 5, 2012 Solar power isn’t a new concept in alternative energy―in fact, it may be one of the oldest. But for Barcelona-based design firm Rawlemon, architecting a new way to harness that energy led to the creation of what it...

Oriental Hornet: Expert Solar Power Harvester

Source: Published: April 29, 2012 Do you know who is the most competent solar power expert, according to a research team from Tel Aviv University?  It is the humble common Oriental hornet found in our gardens! Much to the astonishment of...

A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from Curitiba, Brazil

Source: Published: August 29, 2012 The original “green” city, A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from Curitiba, Brazil is an informative, inspirational documentary aimed at sharing ideas to provoke environment-friendly and cost-effective...