Fresh Food for All

  Source:       Published: September 26, 2012             Local farmers could revolutionize how millions of New Yorkers eat.       Never have so many individuals, nonprofits, and local...

Goats to Trim the Grass

Source: Published: September 15, 2012 By Snejana Farberov A major international airport like Chicago’s O’Hare needs a large staff to take care of everything from security to maintenance, and now the major aviation hub is looking to hire some...

FILM – The Fuel Film – Documentary 2007– 2009

2009 ACADEMY AWARDS QUALIFIED AND WINNER OF 2008 AUDIENCE AWARD AT SUNDANCE   Matter of Trust was the fiscal sponsor for Josh Tickell’s Veggie from 2003 to 2009 when it received its own public charity status. Josh knows oil and how it is the...

Should We Change the Colour of Our Streets?

Source: Published: September 13, 2012 Feature Story Julie Chao (510) 486-6491 Berkeley Lab researchers showcase cool pavement technology to combat urban heat islands. Sharon Chen and Ana Paula Werle of the Berkeley Lab Heat Island Group use a...

Apple’s Massive Solar Farm from The Sky

Source: Published: September 13, 2012 Katie Fehrenbacher Image courtesy of WCNC-TV. I did an interview with North Carolina’s TV Station WCNC-TV this morning about the data center cluster in their state. After the interview they kindly sent me these aerial...