The InVaso Self-Watering Sponge Pot is Great for Forgetful Gardeners

Source: Published: March 7, 2013 Even the most dedicated green thumbs may occasionally forget to water their  plants. Enter InVaso — a self-watering sponge vase created by industrial designer Stefano Claudio Bison. Made from the same kind of porous ...

The Disappearing Package

      Source:       Published: March 6, 2013       by Inhabitat Staff                                        ...

Rotating, Sun-Tracking Solar Islands for Swiss Lake

Source: Published: February 7, 2013 By Pete Danko Manmade islands for the production of renewable energy – they’re all the rage, suddenly. A few weeks ago we told you about Belgium’s plan to build an island in the North Sea with a below-sea-level...

Micro-Algae Lamp Absorbs 150-200 Times More CO2 than a Tree!

Source: Published: April 5, 2012 CleanTechnica/via Petz Scholtus petzdelux French biochemist and Shamengo pioneer Pierre Calleja has invented this impressive streetlight that is powered by algae which absorbs CO2 from the air. We have featured...

Bees and Math

Source: Published: February 26, 2013 Bees…by virtue of a certain geometrical forethought…know that the hexagon is greater than the square and the triangle, and will hold more honey for the same expenditure of material. — Pappus of Alexandria Bees have...

Garbage Homes – Bolivia

Source: Published: February 5, 2013 We follow one woman who is on a mission to build homes for the poor from the only resource she can find in abundance. Ingrid Vaca Diez is on a mission to build better homes for the poor. With few funds and little...

GMO Fail: Monsanto Foiled by Feds, Supreme Court, And Science

Source: Published: February 15, 2013 By Tom Laskawy Shutterstock It’s been a good week if you enjoy a little GMO schadenfreude. The FDA has reportedly bowed to public pressure to extend the comment period on its approval of genetically engineered salmon, and...