Eucalyptus Tree: A Potential Global Source of Fuel and Fiber

Source: Published: June 12, 2014 Eucalyptus trees are more than just food for koalas; researchers are now trying to harness their potential as a sustainable biofuel and biomaterials production source. (Photo: Fibria/Ehder Souza) Jenna Iacurci...

10 Uses for Eggshells

Source: Published: June 10, 2014 Eggshells make great compostable seedling containers. (Photo: Oksana Bratanova/Shutterstock) Before you throw out those scraps, consider their uses in the garden, kitchen and more. My introduction to recycling came in my...

France is Paying Commuters to Bike to Work!

Source: Published: June 8, 2014 Shutterstock by Kristine Lofgren You’d hope that better health, lower cost and reduced emissions would be incentive enough to push people out of their cars and onto bikes, but in France only 2.4 percent of the population...