
7 Reasons Why Arctic Sea Ice Matters

Source: mnn.com Published: December 12, 2018 Ice in the central Arctic Ocean has thinned by more than 60 percent since 1975. (Photo: Pablo Clemente-Colon/NOAA) The vanishing veneer of frozen ocean isn’t just vital for polar bears. By Russell McLendon The...

How a Forest with More Mammals Stores More Carbon

Source: organicconsumers.org Published: October 18, 2017 by Brandon Keim To the many moral and practical reasons for protecting the creatures with whom we share this blue marble, add one more. They might help Earth safely store more carbon. Writing in the...

Mangroves: A Star Player in The Coastal Protection Game

Source: huffingtonpost.com Published: August 9, 2017 An extensive blue-water mangrove is lined by red mangrove prop roots, Rhizophora mangle, reaching into the water at high tide. Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean. © Ethan Daniels They do it all: sequester...

How Midwestern Farmers Could Help Save the Gulf of Mexico

Source: motherjones.com Published: August 8, 2017 Pushart Tom Philpott If you pay state taxes in Maryland, you fund a program that gives farmers as much as $90 per acre—$22,500 annually for a typical corn operation—to plant a crop that’s not even intended for harvest....

Beyond Sustainability: GreenWave’s Regenerative Ocean Farm

Source: impactalpha.com Published: January 13, 2016 NOTE: Requires an Impact Alpha membership to view Marina Leytes R. Buckminster Fuller was a founding father of systems thinking. You can look it up. And you can look up an index of ideas that honor such thinking in...

30 Fascinating Facts About the Boreal Forest

Source: treehugger.com Published: May 12, 2011 NOTE: This article has been updated since its original posting to include more facts (from 12 to 30) CC BY 2.0. Wikimedia Commons By Jaymi Heimbuch Welcome to almost 30 percent of the world’s forest cover. The...

Advancing Insects as Animal Feed

Source: foodsecurity.ac.uk Published: April 18, 2016 Keiran Whitaker Insect farms could recover the true value of wasted organic nutrients, improve local food security and assist in environmental protection, says Keiran Olivares Whitaker of Entocycle. Agriculture is...