
Eco Toilet: Recycle the Water from The Washbasin

Source: homedit.com Published: April 5, 2012 The Eco Toilet allows you to recycle the water from the washbasin. The washbasin water and regular fresh water are used for flushing. It sounds like a simple and very good idea. We use water to wash our hands and teeth and...

The Drinkable Book

Source: waterislife.com Published: May 18, 2014 Created by the non-profit WATERisLIFE, The Drinkable Book is a pamphlet designed to teach safe water drinking habits to residents of developing nations. The book is printed on filter paper capable of reducing the...

Innovative DIY Solar Water Pump Takes Aim at Global Water Crisis

Source: treehugger.com Published: February 17, 2014 © Pumpmakers Derek Markham In an age when many of us have unprecedented and almost instant access to technology and resources, and yet others in the developing world are dying daily because of lack of something basic...

A Giant Basket That Uses Condensation to Gather Drinking Water

Source: wired.com Published: March 28, 2014   Designer Arturo Vittori believes the solution to the Ethiopian water shortage lies not in high technology, but in sculptures that look like giant-sized objects from the pages of a Pier 1 catalog. Photos by Architecture and...

“Ooho” Edible Water Bottle

Source: gizmodo.com Published: March 26, 2014 By Adam Clark Estes We get it. Our love of drinking water from disposable plastic bottles is a problem, enough of a problem that San Francisco actually wants to ban them. But then what will we drink water out of? Ooho, a...

WaterWheel Rolls Out Solution to Ease Heavy Load

Source: techxplore.com Published: January 8, 2014 by Nancy Owano , Tech Xplore Phys.org) —For those with running water in their homes, water is light, rolls right through the fingers, easily pours out of the faucet, and gives us hygiene and hydration in minutes so...

Odyssey’s Two in One Water Bottle Flashlight

Source: gizmodo.com Published: March 19, 2014 By Andrew Liszewski It’s rarely the case that buying a two-in-one product is better than purchasing each component separately. But ÖKO makes a strong case for merging your flashlight and water bottle when...