
Amazing Grazing

Source: Published: March 1, 2017 Amazing Grazing is a pasture-based livestock educational initiative that began at CEFS’ Field Research and Outreach Facility at Cherry Farm in Goldsboro and has developed into a statewide program. SimAngus cattle at CEFS...

Agroforestry and Its Benefits

Source: Published: March 1, 2017 CIFOR Agroforestry is the management and integration of trees, crops and/or livestock on the same plot of land and can be an integral component of productive agriculture. It may include existing native forests and forests...

A Boon for Soil, and for the Environment

Source: Published: May 17, 2016 At a farm in Peru, charcoal from bamboo burned in special ovens is used to fertilize the soil. Carbon farming is seen as a way of replenishing depleted farmland and helping reduce damage to the environment. Credit/Enrique...

22 Organizations Working to Restore Soils in 2016

Source: Published: March 1, 2016 Stephanie Van Dyke According to the recent United Nations report, Status of the World’s Soil Resources, the world can ameliorate soil degradation if more sustainable practices are promptly implemented. The U.N. Food and...

The Positive Impact of Conservation Agriculture

Source: Published: January 3, 2017 Jenya Shandina takes to podium to share One Acre Fund stories, goals and successes. Photo by Sarah Goellner Kathryn Cawdrey wrote this as a guest editor for Conservation agriculture is critical for...

Scaling Up Conservation Agriculture in Zambia

Source: Published: February 22, 2017 “When we harvest maize, we leave the stalks in the field. Parts of these stalks are eaten by the livestock. The fibrous part which is not eaten by the animals adds nutrients to the soil but, at the same time, when it...

Our Waste Could Help Reverse Climate Change

Source: Published: August 31, 2016 If California funds new composting facilities, more cities could divert waste, more farmers and ranchers would have access to compost and more rangeland could be covered. (Courtesy photo) By Robyn Purchia A few years...

Helping Farmers Expand Composting in the County

Source: Published: December 9, 2015 by Montgomery County Food Council Did you know that food scraps account for approximately 23% of the County’s overall waste stream? And did you know that there are new state standards that allow farmers to use...