Renewable Resources & Lands

Coffee: The Fuel Alternative that Powers London

Source: Published: January 19, 2015   When it comes to green solutions, creating low-cost, renewable energy is an excellent choice for a startup business. Creating energy from waste, without tapping into needed consumer resources, makes that...

Green-Energy Inspiration Off the Coast of Denmark

Source: Published: January 17, 2015  By Diane Cardwell Before dawn one morning in October, a handful of Americans gathered at a lonely pier on Samso, a small Danish island about four hours from Copenhagen. Bundled in layers of fleece and wool, the...

A Decade After Asian Tsunami, New Forests Protect the Coast

Source: Published: December 4, 2014 These mangroves, at Lham Ujong, were planted in fish ponds, increasing fish productivity. FRED PEARCE Fred Pearce The tsunami that struck Indonesia in 2004 obliterated vast areas of Aceh province. But villagers there...

EXHIBIT – Grab and Do’s at the Eco-Center – 2013 – 2016

Grab and Do’s is designed for Eco-Center visitors! Here we show several ways we can reuse manmade surplus and renewable resources to create useful items, gifts, works of art, and beautiful wrapping. Thanks to our restaurant partners on Valencia and Mission Streets...

UC Davis and Honda Unveil Smart Home for a Zero-Carbon Future

Source: Published: April 2, 2014 Brandon Baker Honda and the University of California, Davis aren’t particularly known for constructing homes, but an ambitious project places the two entities at the forefront of designing homes capable of producing...

Hydraulic Seafloor Carpet Could Harness the Energy of Ocean Waves

Source: Published: February 18, 2014 © TAF Lab In the quest for another renewable energy source that can potentially provide a constant source of carbon-free power, researchers at UC Berkeley are working on extracting the energy of ocean waves, and...

Dutch Biotech Firm to Make Car Tires from Hybrid Dandelions

Source: Published: February 18, 2013 by Inhabitat Staff Image via Wikicommons users Nicolas Zea P. and Loyna You see them popping up in your garden, and soon the dandelion may also parked in your driveway. Dutch biotech firm KeyGene has plans to use the...