Innovative Ideas – Products

Eco-Friendly Wooden Motorcycle Uses Algae For Fuel Published: August 15, 2017 Beatrice Murray-Nag motorcycles get a lot of bad press for their environmental footprint. that’s why, when dutch designer ritsert mans has teamed up with scientist peter mooij, the duo wanted to create a ride...

Parked Electric Cars Earn Cash While Feeding the Power Grid

Source: Published: August 11, 2017 Lorraine Chow In Europe, electric vehicles are not just a low-emission way of getting from A to B, they are also being built as mobile generators. Newly designed Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) models can both...

Researchers Create Flexible Battery That Can Run On Salt Water

Source: Published: August 11, 2017 They could be powered by body fluids like sweat or tears in the future. Hoxton/Ryan Lees via Getty Images Mallory Locklear When it comes to making batteries for wearables or implantable medical devices,...

Ultrathin Device Harvests Electricity from Human Motion

Source: Published: July 21, 2017 By David Salisbury Click here to watch “Ultrathin device harvests electricity from human motion”: Imagine slipping into a jacket, shirt or skirt that powers your cell phone, fitness...

This Robotic “Eel” Hunts Down the Source of Water Pollution

Source: Published: July 27, 2017 by Jasmin Malik Chua Lake Geneva’s latest resident—all four feet of it—is neither man nor beast. Dubbed the Envirobot, the critter is a biomimetic robot designed by Swiss researchers to pinpoint the source of pollution in...

This Low-Tech Terrarium Purifies Water Like A Mini-Amazon Rainforest

Source: Published: July 25, 2017 © Kikando By Kimberley Mok The lack of clean water has become a serious problem worldwide, thanks to industrial contamination, agricultural and urban pollution, and even from seemingly innocuous acts such as washing...

Oceanlinx – Oscillating Water Column Device

Source: Unknown Published: July 22, 2017 Oceanlinx  have developed an advanced Oscillating Water Column Device. Thanks to a solid international support, this Australian project is absolutely in the forefront of wave energy technology. The source for this article is...

MIT Robot Swims Through Water and Gas Pipes to Detect Leaks

Source: Published: July 19, 2017 © MIT By Megan Treacy Beneath the cities around the world runs a complex web of pipes, carrying water and gas to buildings, homes and businesses. These miles of pipes are necessary to everyday life, but they are...

Flexible Solar Panels Recycle Indoor Light

Source: Published: November 8, 2016 © Virginia Tech Integrating solar panels into windows and walls seems to be the obvious next step for the technology, but what about all of the light indoors? What if there could be a way to harness, or recycle, that...