Innovative Ideas – Products

Revolutionary Tidal Fence Is Set To Trap The Sea’s Power

Source: Published: August 11, 2015 Illustration showing how Kepler Energy’s turbine rotor blades will look installed in a tidal fence configuration. Photograph: Kepler Energy Alex Kirby for Climate News Network, part of the Guardian Environment Network...

Leaf Dinnerware to Replace Plastic and Styrofoam

Source: Published: May 17, 2016 By Catherine Bleish A University in Thailand has spent the past year developing a new type of waterproof bowl made of leaves. The women behind this leaf dinnerware felt called to design a replacement for Styrofoam when...

Dutch Tower Sucks Smog Out of the Air

Source: Published: September 18, 2015 Studio Roosegaarde By Katie Herzog Until we collectively decide to give up fossil fuels and power the world with giant hamster wheels, this planet has a bit of an air pollution problem. Now, a team in the...