Ideal Materials

Could Bamboo Replace Steel in Concrete Structures?

Source: Published: March 9, 2016 Flickr/aotaro The fast-growing and prolific bamboo plant has some in the construction industry wondering if its high-tensile strength and resilient nature make it a perfect fit for more sustainable building, Sourceable...

BioMason Makes Bricks from Bacteria Without Heat or Clay

Source: Published: February 21, 2016 by Steve Hanley BioMason is a North Carolina startup company that manufactures bricks without heat or clay. About 8% of global carbon emissions come from making bricks, according to the company’s...

Kinetic Architecture: New Technologies in Building Skins

Source: Published: April 10, 2015 Digital technology, controls, and sensors have radically altered our lives, bringing automation and connectivity to nearly every aspect of our daily existence. Increasingly, this technology is finding itself used in the...

Reindeer Antler Secrets Inspire Stronger Materials

Source: treehugger Published: December 20, 2016 CC BY-SA 2.0 m. prinke Christine Lepisto Reindeer smash their antlers together in mighty battles over territory or mates. The tough material of the antlers resists breaking in spite of these challenges. Now scientists...

This Cement Alternative Absorbs CO2 Like A Sponge

Source: Published: November 14, 2014 Cement has been called the foundation of modern civilization, the stuff of highways, bridges, sidewalks and buildings of all sizes. But its production comes with a huge carbon footprint. Environmental chemist David Stone...

Egyptian Village Goes Solar

Source: Published: October 11, 2016 Kristin Falzon Egypt’s first solar-powered village is up and running in the Bahariya Oasis. KarmBuild’s Tayebat Workers Village provides shelter for 350 people and was built with 90 percent local, natural...

Living Shorelines: How Nature Can Help Us Beat Back Rising Seas

Source: Published: September 20, 2016 By Jeremy Deaton Click here to watch “Living shorelines: How nature can help us beat back rising seas”: Next year, New York will break ground on the first section of a U-shaped wall around...

Cracks In The Surface: Why Grey Firms Will Have To Go Green

Source: Published: August 25, 2016   THE cement industry is one of the world’s most polluting: it accounts for 5% of man-made carbon-dioxide emissions each year. Making this most useful of glues requires vast quantities of energy and water. Calcium...