Farming – Carbon Farming

Restore Wetlands

Source: Published: April 6, 2017 Wetlands are the transition area between open water and dry land, constantly appearing and disappearing with the ebb and flow of tides. As the heart and lungs of the Bay, wetlands support over 500 species of fish and...

Secondary Tropical Forests Sequester Large Amounts of Carbon

Source: Published: February 3, 2016 Regrowing secondary tropical forests rapidly sequester carbon. An international team of forest researchers led by researchers from Wageningen University measured an eleven times higher carbon uptake compared with old-growth...

The Unsung Heroes of Climate Change

Source: Published: February 3, 2016 By Jheni Osman Rainforests are the poster child for conservation. They’re packed with charismatic wildlife and are essential for the health of the planet. Why wouldn’t you want to try to save them? But they are not...

Reducing Methane Emissions From Rice Farming

Source: Published: June 15, 2016 by ClimateRe Pitch Reducing Methane Emission While Enhancing Rice Farmers’ Resilience to Climate Change Click here to watch “Reducing methane emissions from rice farming”: The rice farmers...

The Carbon Trust

Source: Published: March 17, 2017 NOTE: Source page has been updated since original 2017 posting. Text below reflects the 2017 page. The Carbon Trust is an independent, expert partner of leading organisations around the world, helping them contribute...

Cows, Regenerative Farming in North Carolina

Source: Published: April 27, 2016 By Bud Ward North Carolina farmer Suzanne Nelson has this thing about farming as a regenerative rather than an extractive business. She also has a thing for cows. Nelson says people should do what they love...

How Animals Impact Regenerative Agriculture Efforts

Source: Published: July 10, 2016 NOTE: Article requires a Mercola account to view By Dr. Mercola I recently visited Will Harris’ farm White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia. Harris is a pioneer of grass-fed products and what he calls “a kinder,...