Farming – Agriculture

Food That Does Not Waste Water

Source: Published: May 2, 2017 By Gary Tippet, University of Melbourne Water is life, the world’s most precious resource. Yet across rural Australia, irrigation systems covering an estimated 2.5 million hectares of land are in desperate need of...

Water Use Efficiency in Action

Source: Published: April 26, 2017 By Jens Soth, Luc Beerens, Arjumand Nizami, and Gisela Keller Multi-stakeholder Perspectives on the Water and Productivity Project in Pakistan Bracing for the scorching July heat in Pakistan, thirty-five-year-old...

US Start-Up Turns Costly Byproduct Into ‘Green’ Growing Aid

Source: Published: July 11, 2016 Sault Paper Mill at sunset – two US PhD students have developed an eco-friendly agricultural use for lignin, the pulpy byproduct of biofuel and paper processing. Billy Wilson, Flickr CC By Merran White Biofuel...

A Crucial Climate Mystery Is Just Under Our Feet

Source: Published: April 11, 2017 By Nathanael Johnson What Jonathan Sanderman really wanted was some old dirt. He called everyone he could think of who might know where he could get some. He emailed colleagues and read through old studies looking for clues,...

What is the Impact of Animal Production on The Environment?

Source: Published: April 17, 2017 Current text: One of the biggest topics of animal agriculture shown through the media focuses on the impacts animal production has on the environment. Each and every human has made an impact on the environment and the...

Organic Farming Could, Maybe, Feed the World, Say Scientists

Source: Published: February 5, 2016 Shutterstock Dan Nosowitz Previous studies have looked specifically at the cost or yield of organic farming, sometimes in specific countries, or at the cost of transitioning to an all-organic system. But this new...

Livestock Production

Source: Published: April 17, 2017 Because some degree of climate change is now inevitable, sustainable agricultural practices are critical to climate change adaptation. A focus needs to be on the implementation of farming practices that...