
Energy Efficient Appliances and Their Benefits

Source: Published: January 11, 2017 Electrical appliances account for over 30% of the energy bills charges you receive on monthly or annually basis. Many home appliances manufacturers, as well as the government, have shifted their focus into saving...

Create an Eco-Friendly and Energy Efficient Home

Source: unknown Published: January 11, 2017 Having an energy efficient home will save you money and leave a positive impact on the environment. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (link is external), the average American household spends over $2,000 on home...

23 Gadgets to Improve Energy Efficiency

Source: Published: January 11, 2017 How can you make a meaningful impact to help the environment, today?Using less energy via energy efficiency technology is a simple way to help. It’s no secret that our planet is warming up and according to the World...

8 Energy-Saving Solutions on the Horizon

Source: Published: December 18, 2015 Paul Lester Click here to watch “Saving You Energy and Money at Home”: From heating and cooling to electronics and appliances, it takes a lot of energy to power our daily lives. Our homes use...

3 New Waste-To-Energy Projects in Oregon

Source: Published: January 11, 2013 by Cassandra Profita Several new projects in Oregon propose to turn garbage into energy sources including hydrogen, crude oil and methane. With more and more waste-to-energy technologies emerging, Oregon environmental...

A Microgrid Grows in Brooklyn

Source: Published: April 22, 2016 Lawrence Orsini is the founder of LO3 Energy, a company that was started in 2012 and now funds the Brooklyn Microgrid project. Credit: Image courtesy of Sasha Santiago By Morgen E. Peck One New York City...

Hot Waste Water For District Heating

Source: Published: July 25, 2016 By Charlotte Gjedde A recovery of surplus heating from waste water is the focus in a new research project – the results can lead to energy savings, which both benefit economy and environment. Today the heating from the...

How Cogeneration is Helping to Keep the Earth Greener

Source: Published: January 17, 2016 There has been a lot of talk about cogeneration over the past three decades. It is a growing trend today concerning energy generation. In fact, it has gained popularity around the world with a number of...