
Merry-Go-Round Turns Kid Energy to Clean Energy

Source: Published: October 3, 2013 Empower Playgrounds By Holly Richmond If only we could use kids to fuel our homes and cars so they’d be useful for something. Wait, that came out wrong. But for Empower Playgrounds, it came out RIGHT: A non-profit called...

This Rechargeable LED Bulb Doubles as A Flashlight!

Source: Published: September 25, 2013 A flashlight is essential during a power outage, but since no one ever expects the power to go out, flashlights are rarely up to the task. Dead batteries or simply forgetting where you’ve even stored the...

Greenerator Lets Apartment Dwellers Collect Solar and Wind Power

Source: Published: October 15, 2010 by Yuka Yoneda People who live in private homes have the option to install solar panels and residential wind turbines on their roofs, but what about those of us who live in apartment buildings? Well, the Greenerator is...

A New Trash-To-Energy Plant Planned for Arizona

Source: Published: May 6, 2013 Credit: Image Courtesy of Purplrpix by Katie Fehrenbacher The city of Oslo turns so much of its trash into energy, that it actually imports garbage into the city to heat and light many of its buildings. While the process is...

Dance Floor That Generates Electricity: Party Power

Source: Published: May 10, 2013 Energy Floors developed the Sustainable Dance FloorTM and launched it in 2008 as the world’s first energy generating floor. It is an eye-catching dance floor which can be installed in customized ways for various...

Jane Fonda’s Newest Project: A House Powered by Exercise

Source: Published: May 2, 2013 by Sarah Firshein What’s Jane Fonda up to these days, other than spending millions on real estate in Beverly Hills? The empress of exercise, along with Spanish design firm Elli Studio, may have put forth the craziest...

Artificial Leaf Produces Energy from Dirty Water

Source: Published: April 15, 2013 © Dominick Reuter / MIT News Megan Treacy mtreacy Back in 2011, researchers at MIT developed an artificial leaf technology that could produce energy from water and sunlight. The artificial leaf is essentially a silicon...

Beverage-Powered Charger Promises Phone Immortality

Source: Published: February 14, 2013 By Beth Buczynski If, like me, you’re seated in front of a computer right now, you, like me, probably have a beverage within arm’s reach. Something about the presence of a hot thermos full of tea says “it’s time...