Climate/Atmospheric Conditions

7 Reasons Why Arctic Sea Ice Matters

Source: Published: December 12, 2018 Ice in the central Arctic Ocean has thinned by more than 60 percent since 1975. (Photo: Pablo Clemente-Colon/NOAA) The vanishing veneer of frozen ocean isn’t just vital for polar bears. By Russell McLendon The...

CONFERENCE – Climate Solutions Speaker Series GCAS – 2018

The Climate Solutions Speaker Series We are getting started on the next phases of our project, the Climate Solutions Speaker Series where we are providing three different sessions/seminars dedicated to implementing climate solutions at the Presidio; those projects...

The Fascinating Ways Museums Prepare for Catastrophic Weather

Source: Published: October 28, 2017 With priceless, irreplaceable treasures, they have the most to lose. Mark Lennihan/AP Eleanor Cummins This story was originally published by Slate and appears here as part of the Climate...

Farmland Can Sequester Carbon from the Atmosphere

Source: Published: August 21, 2017 Truck being loaded with compost at the Stemple Creek Ranch in Tomales, California, which is participating in a decade-long trial carbon farming program. By Jan Sluizer SAN FRANCISCO–California rancher John Wick says...

Storing Clean Energy in Salt Isn’t as Crazy as It Sounds

Source: Published: August 3, 2017 A Spanish solar thermal plant uses molten salt storage to run 24 hours a day. By Bobby Magill Using giant vats of molten salt and antifreeze under the codename “Malta,” Google’s parent company Alphabet is joining Tesla and...

Sri Lankan Tea Farmers Fight Deforestation and Climate Change

Source: Published: September 8, 2015 Since agriculture is the greatest driver of deforestation, farmers are critical allies in the fight to save standing forests. In Sri Lanka, which exports some of the world’s finest tea, only 28 percent of...