
How Mushrooms Can Save Bees & Our Food Supply

Source: Published: January 23, 2015 By Jefferey Jaxen As humanity becomes more conscious to the language of nature, it is clear that mushrooms in their many forms come in peace and are here to help. The uses, benefits, and applications of...

Save the Bees with Seed Bombs

Source: Published: January 12, 2015 © Seedles Margaret Badore Seed bombs began as a fun and friendly tactic for greening abandoned lots in urban spaces. “Guerrilla gardeners” throw balls of seeds and fertilizer into fenced-off spaces that are otherwise...

All-Natural and Reusable Bee’s Wrap

Source: Published: October 1, 2014 Bee’s Wrap sheets are made from organic cotton with a coating of bee’s wax, jojoba oil and tree resin. by Lea Stewart Clear plastic wrap is both really convenient and really wasteful. However, Vermont farmer...

Urban Beehive

Source: Published: November 5, 2011 The urban beehive is a concept for keeping bees at home. The beehive is designed to allow us a glimpse into the fascinating world of these industrious creatures and to harvest the honey that they produce. The design...

How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard

Source: Published: May 10, 2012 Feeders work, but creating a native plant habitat is more effective. Contrary to popular opinion, flowers don’t have to be red to attract hummingbirds. (Photo: Charles Brutlag/Shutterstock) Gardeners, it seems, are...

The Urban Beehive Is A Concept for Keeping Bees at Home

Source: Published: February 19, 2014 Philips’ just unveiled a new concept for an urban beehive that would allow anyone to become an amateur bee keeper – even those who live in apartments with no backyards. The pod-like hive attaches to a hole cut into a...

The Sun Hive: Experimental Natural Beekeeping

Source: Published: March 5, 2013 Lead photo by Heidi Herrmann, of the Natural Beekeeping Trust. by Kirsten Bradley Sun Hives are a hive design coming out of Germany and now gathering interest in Britain. They’re part of the world-wide movement towards...

eButterfly Project Helps Kids Become Citizen Scientists

Source: Published: May 22, 2013 Kids can help scientists understand the impact of climate change on butterflies by sharing their butterfly sightings in a new database. Photo: Jenn Savedge School is almost out, which means that in the next few weeks,...

101 Uses for Beeswax

Source: Published: April 25, 2013 Thank you Crafting Montana for coming up with this great list 1) lubricant for very old furniture joints. 2) Smooth movement for doors and windows. 3) Component for mustache creams. 4) Prevents bronze items from...