Since 2013, Matter of Trust has been into the research of the practical uses of the male hemp plant (not the female cannabis plant) and how we can move towards the sensible use of this naturally abundant and very useful, practical material....
School Of Fish (awareness about plastics in our Oceans) Our waterways are becoming increasingly polluted and much of that pollution comes from plastic products that degrade dangerously and kill fish. By reducing and changing the materials we work with each day, we can...
Over 153 million people worldwide suffer from vision problems, limiting their potential to read, learn, and work. Matter of Trust is proud to partner with Dr. Rosa Ten and her medical missions. We collect used eyeglasses for those in need, such as the people she...
Combining music education, environmental awareness, and creativity, Music Matters gives students the tools and instruction to build their own playable instruments out of reuse materials. Since instruments can be very expensive and music classes have been victim to...
Brooklyn Botanical Garden Art Gallery 2006 This tree’s bark naturally grows lips Matter of Trust was the fiscal sponsor for this eco-educational project in New York. With an artistic vision, Cedric Pollet looks closely at trees, revealing the spectacular beauty...
2009 ACADEMY AWARDS QUALIFIED AND WINNER OF 2008 AUDIENCE AWARD AT SUNDANCE Matter of Trust was the fiscal sponsor for Josh Tickell’s Veggie from 2003 to 2009 when it received its own public charity status. Josh knows oil and how it is the...
Matter of Trust was invited to join the San Francisco Department of the Environment in organizing festivities involving international and local participants. The United Nation’s Environment Programme asks that its annual World Environment Day (WED) be hosted by...
Matter of Trust was the fiscal agent for this excellent documentary by Chantal Buard on the step-by-step method for developing a computer-repair, distribution, and recycling system. The video has two parts. Part 1 Part 2
The twenty-minute mini-documentary highlights the community kitchen that reclaims hundred tons of almost expired food from stores and prepares meals for the homeless of San Francisco. Total Raised: $5000 Direct Program Expenses: $5000 = 100% Eco-educational =...
PRESS: Yes! You can use any of our videos/photos. Please post noted credits, otherwise credit: Also see MORE PHOTOS Orange Beach Alabama – June 24, 2010 oil plume comes up in black waves onto white beaches Lisa Gautier of...