Seeking Water from the Sun

    Source:     Published: July 15, 2012                             Many Navajo Nation residents must drive 45 minutes to water towers such as these for daily...

Cesar Harada: A Novel Idea for Cleaning Up Oil Spills

  Source:   Published: July 5, 2012           When TED Senior Fellow Cesar Harada heard about the devastating effects of the BP Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, he quit his dream job and moved to New Orleans to...


Source: youtube Published: July 20, 2010 The San Francisco Green Schoolyard Alliance serves children and families of San Francisco by promoting and supporting green schoolyards. We provide resources, training, and advocacy to school communities to help them create and...

How to Start A Home Rain Barrel Project

Source: Published: March 22, 2010 By Chris Baskind Water is precious and becoming more scarce. Try a rain barrel in your yard to use ‘free’ water for irrigation and limit what you run from the tap. A rain barrel not only provides you with a renewable source of...

Water Power in Your Home

Source: Published: July 7, 2012 By Beth Buczynski Image via Ryan Jongwoo Choi Waterwheel turns your faucet into a tiny power plant. This nifty gadget is already a finalist in the Industrial Designers Society of America’s 2012 International Design...

How to Make a Solar Cooker

Source: Published: July 31, 2012 Kristi Jerger’s 5th grade class Dublin, Ohio Public Schools provided this lesson plan. This is a great project with easy to follow step by step instructions. See How to Make a Solar Cooker.pdf 20120731 How to Make a...

How to Build a DIY Solar Air Heater from Old Soda Cans

Source: Published: July 10, 2012 Fair Companies/Video screen capture Sami Grover samigrover Solar space heating is tricky. Air is harder to keep warm than water, and while most of us need a shower on a hot day—we tend to want space heating when the sun...

Just How Much Water Is Your Home Wasting Per Day?

  Source:   Published: July 31, 2012         How to Save 150 Gallons of Water Per Day Without Leaving Your Home.     Fresh water accounts for less than one percent of all the water on the planet, making it a very...

How to Make A Solar Bottle Bulb

Source: Published: July 10, 2012 Light up dark areas in your home during daytime using this green and sustainable concept. Recycle used clear plastic soda bottles, add water+bleach, then install. After installation this solar light bulb can provide...