Solar Headphones

Source: Published: July 11, 2013 Agencies A pair of headphones that can harness solar power to charge mobile devices when you are on  the move has been designed in the United Kingdom. Andrew Anderson, a Glasgow-based designer , launched the...

Hemp Car Made by FORD

Source: Published: February 25, 2013 excerpt from: Grown to drive ~ Metal, plastic, glass… and plants? What kind of cars are they building? by Curt Guyette What some might call the car of the future has already made its big debut. The...

Tires Made from Dandelions Replace Rubber

Source: Published: February 19, 2013 Antony Ingram It isn’t just fossil fuels that are a finite resource–rubber is another substance in high demand, and short supply. The latest estimates suggest that global demand for rubber is expected to...

15-Year-Old Develops Flashlight Powered by Body Heat

Source: Published: July 3, 2013 by Rachelle Dragani A flashlight that ditches the batteries in favor of body heat is one of the finalists in Google’s 2013 Science Fair. Ann Makosinski, 15-year-old Canadian student, created what she calls the...

16-Year-Old Turns Bananas into Bioplastic

Source: Published: July 1, 2013 Photo: grafiker/ By Jenn Savedge It must be the year for scientific innovation among 16-year-olds. First there was Azza Abdel Hamid Faiad, the 16-year-old Egyptian teen who developed a method for turning plastic waste...

Artist Converts Vintage Suitcases into ‘Nest Colonies’

Source: Published: May 24, 2013   © Robert Lach Many a vintage store has an old suitcase or two in stock, and while we’ve seen these classics turned into everything from lovely furniture to fully functioning speakers, American artist Robert Lach turns...

Vertical ‘Pinkhouses:’ The Future of Urban Farming?

Source: Published: May 21, 2013 This “pinkhouse” at Caliber Biotherapeutics in Bryan, Texas, grows 2.2 million plants under the glow of blue and red LEDs. Courtesy of Caliber Therapeutics Michaeleen Doucleff The idea of vertical farming is all the...

eButterfly Project Helps Kids Become Citizen Scientists

Source: Published: May 22, 2013 Kids can help scientists understand the impact of climate change on butterflies by sharing their butterfly sightings in a new database. Photo: Jenn Savedge School is almost out, which means that in the next few weeks,...

A New Trash-To-Energy Plant Planned for Arizona

Source: Published: May 6, 2013 Credit: Image Courtesy of Purplrpix by Katie Fehrenbacher The city of Oslo turns so much of its trash into energy, that it actually imports garbage into the city to heat and light many of its buildings. While the process is...