
Published: December 16, 2014


A fascinating article has just appeared on National Geographic’s website which tells how one entrepreneur has found a way of providing fuel and saving local trees from being felled. Sanga Moses grew up in bare feet in a small Ugandan village of thatched roofs that lacked electricity.

Searching for a solution to problems born of burning wood, Moses quit his job and began learning everything he could about renewable resources. Eventually he came across the increasingly popular practice of turning organic waste into fuel.When I was young, our home was surrounded by national forests,” he says. “Now all those trees are gone, and children must walk longer and longer distances to gather wood.” So Moses began working with engineering students to design kilns and briquetting machines. Four years later, 2,500 farmers use his kilns to turn farm waste—coffee husks and waste from sugar cane and rice—into charcoal.

NOTE: Article requires a membership to view.