EXHIBIT – Green City Maps (now part of The Hum Sum) – 2013 – 2016

Come visit the Eco-Home to see our Eco-Maps Exhibit. Learn ways to eat local and connect with the farmers who produce our food. We have a map of all the Farmers Markets in the city, with information about hours and featured items at each location.

 We are also developing an app to connect people to local foods: farmers markets, edible school yards, nearby organic farms, community gardens, and farm-to-table restaurants. The app will be available to the public so anyone can enter information about the local foods in their city!

Below are some interactive maps each highlighting a different program.  Click on the orange dots to get more information about the organization/establishment.

San Francisco Community Gardens:

To see complete list, click here

San Francisco Farmers’ Markets:

To see complete list, click here

Farm to Table Restaurants:

To see complete list, click here

Edible School Gardens:

To see complete list, click here

Bay Area Low-Cost Recycled Reusable Material:

To see complete list, click here

Organic Sustainable Bio-dynamic Wineries

For additions or suggestions please email us at team@matteroftrust.org

Related Projects

The Global Compost Project
We’re committed to promoting natural abundance and composting. We’ve teamed up with experts including scientists, NGOs and agriculture specialists from around the world to share information on a platform to make it easy and commonplace.
SONOMA Food Runners
Matter of Trust is proud to be the fiscal sponsor for SONOMA Food Runners, which relays food throughout Sonoma County. This enables them to focus on building their organizational capacity before fully establishing their own non-profit status.
Compost Research
The benefits of composting are well known, but what happens when pharmaceuticals enter the picture? Can material containing traces of pharmaceuticals – antibiotics in animal waste still be safely composted?
San Francisco Urban Carbon Farming Project
The San Francisco  Urban Carbon Farming Project will take state-of-the-art science and protocol for measuring the carbon sequestration effects of utilizing compost as a soil amendment and from this, develop and deploy an experimental protocol suited uniquely to urban garden and urban park environments.
Heart of the City Farmers Market
Matter of Trust is the fiscal sponsor of Heart of the City Farmers Market (HCFM).  Grants help to keep stall fees 50% lower than neighboring markets which in turn reduces food prices and makes it affordable for low-income customers.
Why this matters?

Here you can find maps to help you locate local gardens, restaurants, markets, recycled materials depots and wineries; all connected to their respective regions.


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We are always evolving and welcome new ideas, partners, contributions and emails. We have a very optimistic view of the future. We are very fond of this lovely planet!


We strongly believe that,

“When you give, you get back tenfold.”

Now, that’s a great exchange rate!

The HumSum

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Humanity Adding Solutions. Community Platform.

Our planet is buzzing with activity and good ideas.
This site is dedicated to everyone who is tuning in and adding what humanity can do for a healthy and harmonious future!

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