
Published: March 18, 2014


In a surprising merging of products, the Solar Energy Bucket serves as a multifunctional tool for anyone who likes to rough it. At first glance it appears to be a simple water bucket, but turn it upside down and you’ll see a small solar panel which harnesses the sun’s energy during the day. The stored energy can then be used to power the built-in light or even gently heat the water.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could store just a little bit of sunlight for a rainy day? That’s what designer Stefano Merlo thought, and while actually storing sunlight might just be a bit too difficult, his solar-powered Energy Bucket, might just be the next best thing.

Merlo’s inspiration was simple: saving energy is a problem, and the solutions offered are too far removed from what people actually do in real life. He was inspired by the age-old practice of collecting water from the river in buckets. Thus, the Energy Bucket is simply just a plastic bucket that houses 1kw LED lights which are powered by the photovoltaic solar panels installed on the lid of the bucket.  Needless to say, he took something as mundane as a bucket and turned it into an opportunity for people to realize that there are simple solutions to big problems.

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